Case Study – Cobblestone Broken Bow Hotel

"EcoSmart helps the hotels to reduce the energy consumed in a guest room without compromising the comfort in the guest room. The information we receive from the EcoSmart system allows us to be proactive on the maintenance of the HVAC equipment in the guest rooms. Resolving room comfort issues before they impact the guests maintains our guest loyalty."
Jessica Junker, CIO - Cobblestone Hotels


Broken Bow, Nebraska

Customer Challenges

  • Low-cost investment
  • Easy to maintain
  • Fast payback period
  • Increased guest satisfaction

Product(s) Used

EcoSmart Energy Management

Annual Energy Savings


Download the Case StudyCobblestone Broken Bow

The Perfect Balance of Comfort and Energy Efficiency

In the hospitality industry margins are thin, particularly in midscale and economy hotels. For that reason, energy management systems are rapidly becoming the norm in hotels.

When Cobblestone Hotels was constructing their Broken Bow, Nebraska hotel, they knew the facility needed an energy management system if it wanted to realize savings on one of their largest expenses: utilities.

EcoSmart: A Guest-Centric Solution

The power of EcoSmart lies in those times when guest rooms are unoccupied and unsold. Well beyond a scheduled temperature setback or a simple occupancy detector, EcoSmart thermostats “learn” the environment, and utilize detailed analytics to determine the optimal temperature setback point.

We estimate that Cobblestone Broken Bow will achieve their ROI within 3 years of installation, not including savings associated with labor efficiencies. Engineers can identify and resolve many issues without any visits to the guest rooms. They can also proactively monitor such things as low battery levels and equipment maintenance alerts in order to plan accordingly.

Savings Results

Telkonet’s EcoSmart energy saving thermostats are saving an average $5,360 per year at Cobblestone Broken Bow by reducing their HVAC usage when a guest room is unoccupied.

Ready to Get Started?

To learn more about our automation platform and devices or to get an energy savings estimate, please contact our dedicated sales team today.

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